Citation Project Publications

Howard, Rebecca Moore & Sandra Jamieson. The Ethics of Teaching Rhetorical Intertextuality, Journal of Academic Ethics online (read-only). Forthcoming in print, Fall 2021. Please contact us if you would like a printable PDF.

Jamieson, Sandra & Rebecca Moore Howard. “Rethinking the Relationship Between Plagiarism and Academic Integrity.”  International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education/Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 16(2), 69. Online edition published September 5, 2019 

Kleinfeld, Elizabeth. “Researching About Research, Writing About Writing from Sources.” In Next Steps: New Directions for/in Writing about Writing, edited by Barb Bird, Doug Downs, I. Moriah McCracken, and Jan Rieman. Utah State University Press. 2019. pp. 177-179.

Jamieson, Sandra. Shouldn’t our expectations of students’ and academics’ intertextuality practices differ? In Student Plagiarism in Higher Education. Eds Diane Pecorari and Philip Shaw. Taylor & Francis/Routledge Research in Higher Education Series (co-published with the Society for Research into Higher Education), Abingdon, UK. 2018.

Serviss, Tricia. “The Rise of RAD Research Methods for Writing Studies: Transcontextual Ways Forward.”  In Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods. Ed. Tricia Serviss & Sandra Jamieson.  Utah State UP, 2017. 3-22. DOI: 10.7330/9781607326250.c00b  

Jamieson, Sandra. “The Evolution of the Citation Project: Lessons learned from a multi-year, multi-site study.” In Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods. Ed. Tricia Serviss & Sandra Jamieson.  Utah State UP, 2017. 33-61. DOI: 10.7330/9781607326250.c001

Kleinfeld, Elizabeth. Just Read the Assignment: Using Course Documents to Analyze Research Pedagogy.” In Points of Departure: Rethinking RAD Methods for the Study of Student Writing, edited by Tricia Serviss and Sandra Jamieson. Utah State UP, 2017. 10.7330/9781607326250.c008

Serviss, Tricia. “The Things They Carry: Using Design-Based Research in Writing-Teacher Education.” In Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods. Ed. Tricia Serviss & Sandra Jamieson.  Utah State UP, 2017. 102-122. DOI: 10.7330/9781607326250.c003

Serviss, Tricia, & Sandra Jamieson. “What do we mean by Transcontextual RAD Research?”  In Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods. Ed. Tricia Serviss & Sandra Jamieson.  Utah State UP, 2017. 25-31. DOI: 10.7330/9781607326250.c00c

Serviss, Tricia, & Sandra Jamieson.  “Replication and the need to build on and expand local and pilot studies.” In Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods. Ed. Tricia Serviss & Sandra Jamieson.  Utah State UP, 2017. 83-88. DOI: 10.7330/9781607326250.c002a

Rodrigue, Tanya K. “Digital Reading: Genre Awareness as a Tool for Reading Comprehension.” Pedagogy. Volume 17.2. April 2017. 235-257.

Jamieson, Sandra. “What the Citation Project Tells Us About Information Literacy in College Composition.” In Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines. Perspectives in Writing Series. Edited by Barbara D’Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, & Janice R. Walker. Fort Collins, Colorado: WAC Clearing House & University Press of Colorado, 2017. 119-143.

Kleinfeld, Elizabeth. “Using Citation Analysis in Writing Center Tutorials to Encourage ‘Excessive Research’.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. Vol. 13, No. 2. 2016.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. “Plagiarism in Higher Education: An Academic Literacies Issue? – Introduction” in The Handbook of Academic Integrity, edited by Tracey Bretag. Singapore: Springer, 2016. 499-501. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_68-1

Jamieson, Sandra. “Is it Plagiarism or Patchwriting? Toward a nuanced definition” in The Handbook of Academic Integrity, edited by Tracey Bretag. Singapore: Springer, 2016. 503-518. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_68-1 

Serviss, Tricia.  “Creating Faculty Development Programming to Prevent Plagiarism: Three Approaches” in The Handbook of Academic Integrity, edited by Tracey Bretag. Singapore: Springer, 2016. 551-567. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_68-1

Serviss, Tricia. “Using Citation Analysis Heuristics to Prepare TAs Across the Disciplines as Teachers and Writers.” Across the Disciplines, 13 (3). online. 2016. 

Jamieson, Sandra & Rebecca Moore Howard. “Sentence-Mining: Uncovering the Amount of Reading and Reading Comprehension In College Writers’ Researched Writing” in The New Digital Scholar: Exploring and Enriching the Research and Writing Practices of NextGen Students. Eds. Randall McClure and James P. Purdy. Medford, NJ: American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2013. 111-133.

Jamieson, Sandra. “Reading and Engaging Sources: What Student’s Use of Sources Reveals About Advanced Reading Skills.” In Across the Disciplines (ATD), Special issue on Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum, Guest Editor Alice Horning. November 2013.

Howard, Rebecca Moore & Sandra Jamieson. “Researched Writing,”  in A Guide to Composition Pedagogies (2nd Edition). Eds. Gary Tate, Amy Rupiper-Taggart, Brooke Hessler, & Kurt Schick. Oxford UP, 2013.  231-247.

Howard, Rebecca Moore, Tanya K. Rodrigue, & Tricia C. Serviss. “Writing from Sources, Writing from Sentences.Writing and Pedagogy 2.2 (Fall 2010): 177-192.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. “Plagiarisms, Authorships, and the Academic Death Penalty.” College English 57.7 (November 1995): 708-36.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. “A Plagiarism Pentimento.” Journal of Teaching Writing 11.3 (Summer 1993): 233-46.



Howard, Rebecca Moore, & Jamieson, Sandra “The Ethics of Teaching Rhetorical Intertextuality.” Journal of Academic Ethics. 2021?


Jamieson, Sandra, & Rebecca Moore Howard. Teaching Writing After the Citation Project: Pedagogies of Rhetorical Intertextuality.